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Our Resources

Training Apiary

The apiary is our most significant educational resource. It is managed in a flexible and responsive way by our apiary manager (Lorraine Aitken). This involves respectful and mindful management with hands on involvement by members and 'Foster Parents'. The number of colonies in the apiary can vary from time to time but 'Foster Parents' take priority in hive allocation. 'Bee Minders' are able to assist with other hives if and when they become available. 

The Bee Academy Library

A library of books, DVDs, magazines and other publications of interest to beekeepers of all levels of experience. They are available to borrow and to use in the library as a reference source. The library collection is held in the Bee Academy which is accessible to all members.

For more information click here

Website - Facebook - Twitter - Youtube

The Association has a website, a Facebook Page, a Twitter account and a Youtube channel. All are used to communicate with members. The website also serves as the main membership and event management platform and is updated on a regular basis. It contains up to date news, details of activities and events and has a number of different forums which members can use to discuss topical issues and matters of interest.

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Our Mission & Purpose

The encouragement, promotion and advancement of the craft of beekeeping

Supporting honeybees and beekeepers

The training and mentoring of new beekeepers

The provision of an apiary for demonstration and training purposes

The advancement of member education by the arrangement of lectures, visits and practical demonstrations in relation to the craft of beekeeping

Improving the standard of beekeeping

The advancement of environmental protection by the conservation of the honey bee

Promoting the products of beekeeping

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