Constitution, Policies & Procedures
Constitution The constitution of Newbattle Beekeepers Association was adopted by members at a general meeting held at Newbattle Abbey College on 5 March 2017. It was updated, revised and adopted at the 2019 AGM. Further revisions were made in February 2020 and again on 2 April 2023. The most recent revisions were agreed by members attending the 2024 AGM on Sunday 7 April. The Association is a Scottish registered charity, number SC049575 and is an Affiliated Beekeeping Association (ABA) of the Scottish Beekeepers Association (also a Scottish charity, registered in Scotland, number SC009345) The constitution as adopted by members is available to read and/or download by clicking on the link below. |
The copyright policy provides a policy statement and provides guidelines for all members and others involved in the publication of all media on behalf of the association.
The safeguarding policy provides a policy statement and provides guidelines for all members and others involved in activities and events organised and delivered by Newbattle Beekeepers Association.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Newbattle Beekeepers Association to make every effort to safeguard members, visitors and event participants from physical or emotional harm while participating in association events and activities. Newbattle Beekeepers Association will take all reasonable steps to ensure that, through relevant procedures and training, children, young people and adults taking part in events and activities do so in a safe environment.
Newbattle Beekeepers Association is a registered charity SC04957 and is a voluntary organisation for beekeepers. Your privacy is taken seriously and the privacy policy notice sets out how your data will be used, who it will be shared with, how it is kept secure and your rights as a data subject. The policy may change from time to time so please check occasionally to ensure that you're happy with any changes. By using the website, you're agreeing to be bound by this policy. Financial Policies and Procedures It is the policy of Newbattle Beekeepers Association to practice sound financial management and to safeguard the financial and physical assets of the association to best achieve the aims and objectives (purposes) of the association as set out in the constitution. The oversight of the financial and physical resources is vested in the Board of Trustees and through them the treasurer who will report to the members and the charity regulator (OSCR) on an annual basis. Financial Policies and Procedures |