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European Foulbrood Notice - Dunblane Area

15 September 2023 14:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Scottish Government Bee Health Team issue a European Foulbrood Notice informing beekeepers across Scotland of an outbreak of European Foulbrood (EFB) in honey bees in the Dunblane area. This s the first outbreak of EFB detected in recent years.

The outbreak concerns a single hive. EFB was confirmed by SASA on 12 September 2023. BeeBase registered beekeepers within 3km of the infected apiary have been alerted via BeeBase

It is not suggested that beekeepers carry out a full foulbrood inspection but to inspect thoroughly once the weather allows next season. Remove hives that have died as soon as possible. Clean all equipment from dead outs. Do not re-use frames, comb, honey or equipment from dead out hives if unsure as to the reason for the colony's demise.

If foulbrood - AFB or EFB is suspected there is a legal requirement to notify The Scottish Government Honey Bee Health Team  

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