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Let's Celebrate National Honey Day on Friday 21 October

09 October 2023 14:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Let’s celebrate!

Friday 21 October is the first ever National Honey Day in the UK. The aim of the day is to promote delicious local honey and to highlight the increasing problem of fake ‘honey’.

Honey has been used worldwide for centuries both as food and medicine. It’s a natural source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and is antibacterial. The ancient Egyptians offered honey to their deities and used it to heal infected wounds. It’s widely used in modern medicine infused in wound dressings. 

Pure honey comes in a huge range of different flavours, colours and textures. These qualities are determined by which plants the foraging bees have collected nectar from. The flavour can range from light and floral to dark and bitter.

Honey is so delicious to eat but at NBA we also add it to our skincare products as it is antibacterial, nourishing and moisturising.  

But bee aware! There’s lots of fake honey out there. Sadly, honey is one of the most faked food in the world! Suppliers mix cheap sugar or corn syrup with honey to bulk it out and bring down the cost. This 'honey' lacks the natural, delicious flavour of pure honey, as well as the health benefits. Look for pure honey with the country of origin clearly shown on the label. Ideally buy a jar of local honey from Newbattle Beekeepers Association from their Online Shop or call by the Bee Academy at Newbattle Abbey College.

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