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Randy Oliver: Science and beekeeping - Randy’s talk is based on his recent applied research carried out in his apiaries in California, including his testing of pollen substitutes and determination of what makes some better, concepts for successful varroa management, extended-release oxalic acid, bee drifting, and a test of probiotics. Randy Oliver sees beekeeping through the eyes of a biologist, building a small commercial beekeeping enterprise in the foothills of Northern California. His sons now manage around 1,500 colonies for migratory pollination, and produce queens, nuclei, and honey, freeing Randy to engage full-time in beekeeper-funded research projects. Randy analyses and digests the scientific research, and is in touch with beekeepers and researchers from all over the world, in order to not only broaden his own depth of knowledge, but to figure out best management practices for beekeepers everywhere, which he then happily shares through his various articles in bee magazines, his speaking engagements, and on his website: