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Newbattle Beekeepers Association

  • 26 September 2023 10:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Find out more about the tasks usually undertaken in the apiary during the month of October. click on the link below

    the beekeeping year October 

    Please Don't Forget to Clean Your  Equipment

  • 25 September 2023 11:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Synopsis: Think laterally, use your imagination, hoard stuff ... there's lots you can repurpose to make both your beekeeping and bank balance better. And it's something to fill the months until the season starts


  • 24 September 2023 15:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wanted - UK Monofloral honey samples for a project with Aston university, HAN UK and BBKA to set up a database of authentic honey and develop new technology to detect adulteration  

    Please contact Julie Coleman for sampling protocol/sample tubes

    Contact Julie from Here

  • 23 September 2023 10:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Fiona will deliver her first winter bee health talk of the season - A Brief History of Foulbrood in Scotland - It will be hosted by Cambridgeshire Beekeepers’ Association on Wed 27 Sep, 19:00.                                                                             All welcome, for more information click on the link below!

    https://Book Your Place Hereory-of-foulbrood-disease-and-its-management-in-scotland-tickets-638777258977
  • 21 September 2023 11:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Click Here to Watch the Video 

    Randy Oliver: Science and beekeeping - Randy’s talk is based on his recent applied research carried out in his apiaries in California, including his testing of pollen substitutes and determination of what makes some better, concepts for successful varroa management, extended-release oxalic acid, bee drifting, and a test of probiotics. Randy Oliver sees beekeeping through the eyes of a biologist, building a small commercial beekeeping enterprise in the foothills of Northern California. His sons now manage around 1,500 colonies for migratory pollination, and produce queens, nuclei, and honey, freeing Randy to engage full-time in beekeeper-funded research projects. Randy analyses and digests the scientific research, and is in touch with beekeepers and researchers from all over the world, in order to not only broaden his own depth of knowledge, but to figure out best management practices for beekeepers everywhere, which he then happily shares through his various articles in bee magazines, his speaking engagements, and on his website:

  • 21 September 2023 11:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Scottish National Honey Show

    Hurry! Free entry the Scottish National Honey Show competition in Dundee closes soon, this Saturdaythe 23rd of September. 

    With everything from novice classes, honey, beeswax, crafts, baking, photography and mead with classes for schools there's a competition to suit everyone! So why not enter and have a go, and you never know!
    The schedule and entry form can be found below

    Click Here to Download Schedule          

    Staging is between 16:00 - 19:00 on Friday the 29th of September and 08:00 -09.30 on Saturday the 30th of September in Baldragon Academy

    The honey show is on at the same time and place as the annual beekeeping convention with Baldragon Beekeepers' Association, so why not combine the two? For more information and to book tickets to the convention on the 30th September  click here Ticket sales close Sunday, 24th September.

  • 17 September 2023 14:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SBA October Webinar

    The webinar is free and open to all, just register your attendance beforehand for access on the night.

    There is a guest panel for the first webinar on Friday the 6th of October at 19:30 - Enid Brown, Joyce Nisbet, Paul Boyle and John Goodwin will be the panel of experts.
     This internationally acclaimed honey judging, and award-winning panel are happy to answer all questions on honey shows and exhibiting. If you would like to pose a question in advance, please email the webinar host, Gino Jabbar by clicking on the link below.I would like to pose a question to the panel

    To book your free place use the registration link below

    I want to register for the webinar

  • 15 September 2023 14:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Scottish Government Bee Health Team issue a European Foulbrood Notice informing beekeepers across Scotland of an outbreak of European Foulbrood (EFB) in honey bees in the Dunblane area. This s the first outbreak of EFB detected in recent years.

    The outbreak concerns a single hive. EFB was confirmed by SASA on 12 September 2023. BeeBase registered beekeepers within 3km of the infected apiary have been alerted via BeeBase

    It is not suggested that beekeepers carry out a full foulbrood inspection but to inspect thoroughly once the weather allows next season. Remove hives that have died as soon as possible. Clean all equipment from dead outs. Do not re-use frames, comb, honey or equipment from dead out hives if unsure as to the reason for the colony's demise.

    If foulbrood - AFB or EFB is suspected there is a legal requirement to notify The Scottish Government Honey Bee Health Team  

  • 14 September 2023 17:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Apimondia, the International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations have announced that the 2025 Congress will be held in: 

    and the 2027 Congress in:

    Visit the Apimondia Website to Find Out More

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