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The Beekeeping Year - January 

  • Insert Varroa Board - 

To check mite drop (between 2 and 7 days) Record the number of mites seen. 

  • Treatment with Oxalic Acid -

Using trickle or sublimation method. In a mild winter the queen may already be laying by now so caution is advised. Discuss with mentor and the Apiary management team. 

  • Heft Hives -
Hefting the hives at regular intervals will give an idea of the weight of stores available. Place fondant on the top frames of the hive, on top of a queen excluder placed over the brood box or on top of the crown board (to save opening up the hive) in case the hive feels light.
  • Check Hive Entrances  - 
Clear predator damage. The build up of dead bees during the winter can cause the entrance to be blocked. The same can happen after a snow fall. 
  • Check, Repair and Clean any Equipment -
Make sure that you have all the equipment you will need in the coming season. make sure it is clean, in good repair and ready for use

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