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Newbattle Beekeepers Association

  • 27 August 2023 21:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Why was the summer 2023 honey crop so poor (at least here in Scotland) after a bumper Spring harvest, and what could or should I have done instead? Where did it all go wrong for David?

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  • 23 August 2023 12:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thorne have put out a recall notice for Budget Stainless Steel Smokers as it has come to their attention that the bellows in this smoker may contain a small amount of chrysotile asbestos.   The bellows are light grey in colour and made with reconstituted leather.  They have a rough finish. 

    Find Out More About the Recall Here 

    These smokers have been available for sale in the UK from most beekeeping suppliers and in many cases are still on sale. 

    Smokers ordered between April 2019 and May 2023 could be affected.

    If you have purchased one of these smokers from Thorne during this period, please contact with proof of purchase, to receive replacement bellows.

    A useful website showing how to dispose of asbestos is:

  • 22 August 2023 16:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Kiva is an easy way to make a real difference in someone's life. Will you join me in helping El Pedernal Community Bank in Santa Ana to pursue their dream? 

    Support the Santa Ana Beekeepers 

    Working together for the past five years, this community bank has found balance with nature and profitability by adding value to their coffee farms. They have learned that working alongside bees, has made each coffee harvest bountiful and so has been the honey harvest. With beautiful orange trees surrounding the coffee plants, they provide a much needed and beneficial shade, this allows the coffee plants to grow with the upside that the honey produced and harvested by El Pedernal Community Bank has a delicious orange zest smell and taste; a much liked characteristic by many who purchase it. 

    It is through both activities that each family is able to provide for their own and continue with their labor. Because demand has grown in the past year, they need to increase their productivity and this is why they are looking for their first KIVA loan. They community bank will use the funds to buy bigger and better beehives and honey collecting equipment so as to keep up with the demand. Pictured here are some of El Pedernal Community Bank members.

  • 18 August 2023 09:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Would you recognise a tropilaelaps mite if you found one in a hive? Click on the link above for more information.

  • 15 August 2023 13:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Packed with useful information on honey bee biology and practical beekeeping, including training manuals, how-to videos, articles, scientific references and Bees for Development Journal - all free to access from anywhere in the world.

    Visit the Resource Centre

    You can also request printed resources for training and awareness-raising events, especially where internet connection is unreliable. 

  • 14 August 2023 22:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    When he was between the ages of five and ten years old, he was labelled a “genius” and a “prodigy” by several of his teachers because everything came easy. Once he went to secondary school, it soon became apparent that he was neither of those things; he had just been a slightly quicker developer than his class mates

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  • 11 August 2023 20:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2023 sample pack requests CLOSED

    Due to super enthusiasm for taking part in the scheme the limit for the number of sampling packs planned for sending out in 2023 has been reached so the sample pack request option on the website is now closed. This means you will no longer be able to request a sample pack, but if you have received one already please go ahead and collect your samples and send them back. The scheme is sorry to disappoint but they are managing their time and resources this year to avoid last year's sample backlog and delay in producing results.
  • 11 August 2023 18:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Take your winter losses now - Unite weak colonies or those headed by dodgy queens........

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