This year's Scottish National Honey Show will take place at the same time and place as the Annual Beekeeping Convention, on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th September in Baldragon Academy, Dundee.
With everything from novice classes, honey, beeswax, crafts, baking, photography, mead to young beekeepers and schools' classes there's a competition to suit everyone! So why not give it a go, and who knows you could add 'Award Winning' or 'Scottish Champion' to your products or promotions! Plus, it's FREE to enter!
For the competition classes and rules, please click below
Honey Show Schedule
To download an entry form please click here. Entries should be emailed before Saturday 23rd September to
Entries will be accepted after the 23rd September and at the event, but there will be a late entry penalty of £5 which will be donated to Bees for Development.
Entries can be staged on Friday 29th September between 4pm and 7pm and then between 8am and 9.30am on Saturday 23rd September, with judging beginning at 10am.
Good luck, see you there!

On Friday 29th September, the annual Beekeeping Convention opens in Baldragon Academy, Dundee with guest speaker, Caishlan Sweeney.
Caishlan will be sharing more details on the Eden Projects planned new Dundee base and their wild flower project.
To find out more about Caishlan, her talk and how to book your place at the convention please click here.

two guest lecturers will be at the Beekeeping Convention, Kirsty Stainton and Lynfa Davies.
Kirsty will be discussing Honey Bee Diseases and also the Mystery of Mating.
Lynfa's talks will cover Honey Bee Viruses and Honey Bee Behaviour.
To find out more about the guest speakers, the convention and to book tickets please click here.