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Newbattle Beekeepers Association

  • 14 March 2023 19:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are looking forward to hosting the Scottish Beekeepers Association  Module Examination on Saturday 18 March. candidates will make their way to the Bee Academy for a 10:00am start. They will be writing Modules One, Two, Six and Seven papers. 

    Many thanks to Neil Rutherford for helping to prepare Newbattle Beekeepers Association candidates with his weekly study Group sessions.

  • 13 March 2023 11:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Thomas Gfeller, a Swiss beekeeper who has been treatment free for 15 years, is undertaking a survey for his diploma thesis in beekeeping.

    He writes:

    I am looking for beekeepers who practise in some form a beekeeping without treatments against varroa mite. The survey is aimed to understand beekeeping practise, colony losses and beekeeping ethics. Also beekeepers who failed in their attempt to work treatment-free are very welcome to participate. It is important that this data can be collected and compared”.

    A copy of the survey can be downloaded here

    The survey is quite detailed, but your help will be appreciated by Thomas.

    Deadline for the submission of the questionnaire is March 31. 2023.

  • 13 March 2023 10:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This message is for Members of Newbattle Beekeepers Association only

    Have you sent in your RSVP to advise if you will attend the AGM on 2 April 2023? The meeting will start at 13:00

    All members were sent an announcement email on 28 February which contains three RSVP options

    Yes - No - Maybe

    Please click on one of the buttons to indicate your intention to attend or not. If you are unsure, click the Maybe button.

    If you are intending to put yourself forward as a trustee for 2023 you only have 7 days to file your nomination paper. It requires three signatures, Your Proposer, Your Seconder and your own signature accepting the nomination

    Download a Nomination Form from the 2023 AGM Page of the Website 

  • 11 March 2023 14:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you interested in helping to save important flower visiting insects all from the comfort of your garden?

    Morgan Morrison, is a PhD student at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is working on pollinator conservation and citizen intervention.

    She is looking for participants for her citizen science study ‘Optimow’. As a member of Newbattle Beekeepers Association your interests and existing knowledge could make you a great participant for her study. Morgan is looking to explore the best way you can mow your lawn to make your gardens a better place for important pollinating insects. The study will take 15-20 minutes a week, all from your garden in May.

    If you are interested in taking part you can sign up using the following link to the google form for more details and to register your interest?  

    Any questions don’t hesitate to drop Morgan an email.
    Thanks in advance,
    Morgan Morrison

    Twitter: @morgsmorrison73


    Please note: This email has been created for the study and is not her academic email. If you're apprehensive to click unknown links please google 'mark brown lab optimow'. This will provide you with information. 

  • 28 February 2023 12:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    BeeBase is a FREE online service provided by the National Bee Unit to help protect you and your fellow beekeepers from colony threatening pests and diseases

    Register Online today

    Click Here to Register

  • 25 February 2023 13:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Site logo image The Apiarist

    You are what you eat


    Feb 24 

    Synopsis : The science of identity ... how guard bees recognise nestmates, why drifting bees are accepted into other hives and why robbers are only sometimes rejected.   Introduction Honey bees are eusocial insects. The ’eu’ before social is derived from the Greek for ‘good’; these insects - not just honey bees - exhibit the highest […]

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  • 21 February 2023 09:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Site logo image The Walrus and the Honey Bee

    Spring Fever: Beekeeping Activities for the New Season


    Feb 20 

    I’m writing this on 19th February and my bees are based in Cheshire, UK, just south of Manchester. We have a mild climate, without extremes of cold in winter nor extremes of heat in summer, although that might be changing. I have snowdrops and crocuses in flower in my garden, and it won’t be long […]

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